Orthodox Ash Wednesday

For all Orthodox Christians, the Holy Season of Lent begins on the First Sunday in Lent, and the Lenten fast begins a few days prior. For Byzantine Orthodox Christians, the First Day of the Great Fast is on the Monday before the First Sunday in Lent; and for Western Orthodox Christians the Lenten fast begins on the Wednesday before, commonly known as Ash Wednesday.

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Advent Encouragement

This time of year is very busy! Most of that busy-ness, however, is because we are chasing after temporal things. It is so easy to get caught up in the various seasonal activities—parties, shopping, gift buying, planning, baking, decorating, year-end reports, decorating the house, and various preparations. For many of us, these consume so much of our time and energy that we have little time to do other things, and we see other pulls on our time as a burden.

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The Mass Reveals God

There is a significant difference between knowing about God, and knowing God. Knowing about God means knowing data: facts, mannerisms, characteristics, qualities. For example, we know that God created, that God is merciful, that God became man, that God’s love is seen in the sacrifice of His Son, and that God wants us to live with Him. These are important things to know, but knowing these things does not yet mean we know God. It’s like knowing your spouse’s or friend’s or sibling’s characteristics, but not yet knowing what makes them tick or who they really are.

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Keeping Distance

When the Lord God designed His temple, it had two rooms: an outer room and an inner room. The outer room was called the “Holy Place.” It had candlesticks, a table for the bread presented to God, and an altar of incense when the sacrifice was offered. The inner room was the heart of the temple. It was a separate room which only one person could enter, once a year. That room was called the “Holy of Holies” or the “Most Holy Place.” It held the Ark of the Covenant, which contained the types of Christ: the Word of God in the Ten Commandments; the Bread from Heaven in the manna; and the symbol of the Virgin Birth in the walking staff that miraculously flowered.

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The Mass Attracts

Consider this question: how did the church grow so quickly in the earliest days? Without a doubt, 3000 people were attracted by the miracle of tongues when St Peter and the other apostles spoke outside the temple on Pentecost, 50 days after Jesus’ resurrection. And while preaching on the streets continued, it wasn’t street preaching that produced the steady commitment and the sustained spiritual growth of those 3000 and the church-family that they formed.

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